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on my wavelength...

14 August 2014

I tend to be really bad at sitting down and writing out long form work, especially about myself and what I personally think. Sure I throw around tweets and facebook posts all the time, but I suck at regularly sitting down and writing up things.

My interests tend to be catholic and all encompassing. This is great in many ways, but can be disconcerting to friends as I tend to switch topics on a dime and talk about all manners of weird things. I hope that I can channel that energy and create a series of coherent essays on topics like music, art, politics, tech, food, urbanism and many others.

I’m guessing that my posts will vary in length with many being very short, but I’m looking for an outlet that:

  1. Is longer than 140 characters
  2. Supports formatting including inline photos and video
  3. Is on a platform where I maintain ownership of the writing.

I hope to start posting pretty soon. I can’t promise that everyone will love every post, but I’m hoping that some posts will be interesting to some folks.

